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MEETING DATE: 30th June 2022


SUBJECT:  To agree changes to the Terms of Reference for the Gwent Public Services Board to incorporate openness and transparency


Author: Kathryn Peters, Corporate Policy Manager, Caerphilly County Borough Council.



Areas Affected








Purpose of Report




To agree the amended terms of reference for the Gwent PSB.









The terms of reference must be agreed at the first meeting of the Gwent PSB (Schedule 4 Article 4) and thereafter at any mandatory meeting, the next one of which must take place within 60 days of the next local government election.



The terms of reference are not static and may need to be altered in the future as the Gwent PSB considers its alignment to other regional boards, particularly those delivering statutory duties for the relevant partners, such as under community safety legislation.


The terms of reference were agreed by the Gwent PSB at its first meeting on 1st October 2021. The PSB considered the draft Communications & Engagement Plan at their Development session on 14th Feb 2022. And consequently, the Communications & Engagement group were asked to consider how to incorporate the PSB’s views on values, transparency and openness to encourage participation from citizens. Paragraphs 59 – 61 have been added to the original terms of reference for consideration by the PSB and are attached at Appendix 1









·       To re-agree as part of a mandatory meeting the Gwent PSB’s ToRs at appendix 1 and

·       To agree revisions that reflect values and openness as highlighted in paragraphs 59-61




Draft date 22nd Jun 2022


Appendix 1- Updated Terms of Reference Gwent Public Services Board to incorporate openness and transparency