Title: Gwent Marmot Region Programme Update Paper

Paper sponsor:

Dr Sarah Aitken, Executive Director of Public Health and Strategic Partnerships, ABUHB


Paper authors:

Anna Pennington Gwent Marmot Region Project Manager ABUHB

Stuart Bourne, Consultant in Public Health, ABUHB


Date: 15th December 2022



The purpose of this paper is to provide an update to Gwent Public Service Board on progress and actions in establishing Gwent as the first Marmot Region in Wales.  



At its meeting on 10th March 2022, Gwent Public Services Board formally agreed to become a Marmot Region, and to work in partnership with the UCL Institute of Health Equity (IHE) to set out transformational proposals to address the social determinants of health using the Marmot Principles. The eight Marmot Principles are:


1.   Give every child the best start in life

2.   Enable all children, young people and adults to maximise their capabilities and have control over their lives

3.   Create fair employment and good work for all

4.   Ensure a healthy standard of living for all

5.   Create and develop healthy and sustainable places and communities

6.   Strengthen the role and impact of ill-health prevention

7.   Tackle racism, discrimination and their outcomes

8.   Pursue environmental sustainability and health equity together


Working with the IHE, a Gwent Marmot Region Report with findings and recommendations will be presented to Gwent Public Services Board for approval by June’23.   Further information on the Gwent Marmot programme is available at: https://www.gwentpsb.org/en/gwent-marmot-region/   



·       Gwent: Marmot Region Programme Leadership Group

The Marmot Region Programme Leadership Group have met twice since Gwent Public Services Board last met, with the next meeting scheduled for 21st December 2022. The items discussed have included:


·       Gwent Marmot Region launch event (see below);

·       Branding for the Gwent Marmot Region;

·       Engagement with the business sector;

·       Marmot Programme community consultation events;

·       The Marmot Programme plan and risk register;

·       Supporting local authorities in the preparation of corporate plans.  


The next meeting will include discussion on a next steps plan for the Marmot Programme, and the draft evaluation framework.


·       Gwent Marmot Region leadership launch event

On 21st October 2022, leaders from across public sector organisations in Gwent came together for the Gwent Marmot Region launch at the Lysaght Institute in Newport. Professor Sir Michael Marmot, Director of the IHE, presented information on health inequalities and what actions have worked both globally and in Marmot regions in England. Keynote speakers sat on a Q&A panel and answered questions from delegates on and offline. This was a very positive event, with lively discussion and an engaged audience.  The case for change was clearly stated, and there was a clear desire among all those present to work together to make a difference.  A recording of the event is available here:



PSB members are asked to encourage staff in their organisations to watch the launch event video to raise awareness of the Marmot Programme in Gwent.    


·       PSB Well-being Plan stakeholder events  

A series of five PSB Well-being Plan stakeholder events have been organised by the Marmot Programme team in collaboration with Chair of the PSB’s Engagement Group and supported by the IHE.  The dates and locations of these events were: 



A further online workshop was held on 8th December for any delegates unable to attend in person.


Each of the events was extremely well attended, with lively, thoughtful and considered discussion.  Work will now be taken forward by Gwent Public Service Board to take the outputs from these events to inform the next stage work on the Well-being Plan. 


·       Gwent Marmot Region communications and engagement strategy

As part of the communications and engagement approach, Gwent Marmot Region branding has been developed in collaboration with community groups and partners.  As part of a stakeholder toolkit, the branding assets will be distributed to all partner organisations to promote the Marmot Principles framework shortly.

PSB members are asked to consider how they can adopt and promote the Gwent Marmot Region branding within their own organisations. 

·       Institute of Health Equity Health Equity Network

In January 2023 the Institute of Health Equity is launching a Health Equity Network. This professional network will provide an opportunity for organisations, both public and private sector, community and voluntary groups and individuals to share their work on health equity and to engage across the country with others with the same interests.


PSB members are encouraged to sign up to the IHE Health Equity Network using the link below:



6.      Recommendations


PSB members are asked to:

·       Encourage staff in their organisations to watch the launch event video to raise awareness of the Marmot Programme in Gwent.    

·       Consider how they can adopt and promote the Gwent Marmot Region branding within their own organisations. 

·       Sign up to the IHE Health Equity Network.