The Current Situation
Right now, in various communities across Gwent, people are not living as long as they should. When they don’t have the things they need, like warm homes, healthy food and fair work, and are constantly worrying about making ends meet, it puts a strain on their bodies. This results in increased stress, high blood pressure, and a weaker immune system. In our least well-off neighbourhoods in Gwent, women are living just 48 years of their life in good health. The positive news is change is possible.
Working Together For a Solution
There are clear solutions alongside healthy homes, food and work, like a good education and skills, secure income, quality transport, pleasant surroundings, and supportive family, friends and communities. These are the blocks we need in place to build a healthier Gwent where everybody can live healthy, fulfilled lives. Right now, in too many of our communities, these building blocks are missing. It’s time to fix the gaps.
What is a Marmot Region?
A Marmot Region is a network of local stakeholders committed to tackling inequity through action on the social determinants of health – the social and economic conditions which shape our health. Actions are framed within eight principles:
What Does Becoming a Marmot Region Mean For Gwent?
Becoming a Marmot Region signifies a collective intent to work together to improve equity across Gwent, and improve the lives of all our communities as a result. Gwent Public Services Board, made up of our local public services – Health, Councils, Fire, Police, Housing, Education, Environment and Voluntary organisations – has brought into Gwent the help of Professor Sir Michael Marmot and his team at the Institute of Health Equity (IHE). Professor Marmot has over 40 years’ experience of identifying the conditions where everyone can thrive.
Gwent Marmot Region and the Gwent Wellbeing Plan
Gwent PSB is currently developing a new five-year plan. One of the objectives in this Well-being Plan is to create a fair and equitable Gwent for all. The Marmot principles will be used as a way to frame actions to achieve this objective, and to provide a consistent, Gwent-wide approach to improving equity over the next five years. When published, the Well-being Plan will set out the steps partners will take and how we will measure improvement so that our commitments are clear and progress can be tracked.
The Marmot Principles framework supports the Gwent Public Service Board ambition for fairer and healthier lives and the goal of well-being for future generations. Enabling action for change to invest in education, jobs, good social housing, better transport, and the built environment.
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